Adsell's Garage ~ Talesweaver Style

DISCLAIMER!!! Any characters,storylines and/or organisations as depicted in my blog are purely work of fiction ..... or so it seems. Any similarity to persons living or dead(or going to die soon(curses and hope)) is purely coincidental.The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessary reflect those of a given organisation.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spot the difference

Price: US$ 29.90 (~41.71 SGD)
And this??
Price: US$ 18.90 (~26.37 SGD)
Well,1 of them is a Jap version and the 2nd,Hong Kong version.Id definitely be going for the Japan version because im supporting the band.Well Singapore version sells for $19.90 SGD.

Well,like 1 of my friend said-If its not the Original countries' version,its a bootleg.(Pirated?)

Oh yea,Image from do Free shipping to Singapore for most of their items,makes the CD $10 SGD cheaper than when i saw it at HMV just now(Jap version of course)