Reflections into 2009

Aside from the ramblings, 2009 was quite shitty for me. In fact, my life starts getting better only after 2010 October.
The Bad
A barrage of arguements and fallouts with friends, tight expenses, long period of unemployment, getting pissed by random people without manners, irritated by unreasonable people, trying to act nice to people I do not like but have to socialise with, being taken for granted, screwed by an ancient P4 2.4 dinosaur PC, 7 Sins, regular and big misunderstandings and the list goes on.
The Good
My clique of friends deserve special mention here: Weixiang, Oli, Damien and Jeremy, Thanks for all the fun and games and let this year be a year full of outings and fun as well. Being able to get a job before Christmas enables me to have fun without worries(and being nagged million times over) throughout Christmas and New Year. To Yan Ping and Vincent for being there whenever I need someone, to Liling for hanging out with me, to Nicholas for the Omamori from Japan, Thanks. Mega special Thanks to Weixiang for teaching me so many things.
New Year Resolution
Seriously, these never work but might as well just because someone said that out of 10, definitely at least 1 would be achieved.
1 - Reach Level 35 on Popn' Music on Default difficulty.
2 - Swim at least twice a week
3 - Greatly reduce snacking
4 - Pass JLPT N2
5 - Try to be a better friend
6 - Stabilise my finances ASAP
7 - Become less irritable
8 - Improve in my Jap conversational skills
9 - Create a new specialty food (Last 3 years was Rice balls)
Happy 2010 and Good Luck to everyone. This blog will be left in stasis again so whoevers visiting or stalking it can check back once every 6 months or something.
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