Adsell's Garage ~ Talesweaver Style

DISCLAIMER!!! Any characters,storylines and/or organisations as depicted in my blog are purely work of fiction ..... or so it seems. Any similarity to persons living or dead(or going to die soon(curses and hope)) is purely coincidental.The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessary reflect those of a given organisation.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Random stuffss

This is what happens when someone says somethign lame in msn, is it Weiqin or PengKoon, its up to your imaginations~
This pic moves and is really funny, it probably wont move in this window so click on it to enlarge it.For Death Note peoples.

Unrelated to the top 2 pictures, i went Ajitei Kyoto Sabo restaurant today for the 2nd time with a friend.We used a $30 voucher(Which i dont feel like explaining cos its too long) and we spent $55 total before discount.The deserts totally rocked!And the Egg with pork is delicious.