Friendster Horoscope for May 21, 2007
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

The Bottom Line
They say that honesty is the best policy, but white lies can be very useful today.
In Detail
They say that honesty is the best policy, but they don't know the sensitive personalities you're dealing with right now. White lies can be very useful, so use them when you feel that the harsh truth could upset someone more than help. It's important to be gentle with other people today. Pay them compliments, laugh at their jokes, and so on. Even if you have to force yourself, it will do no harm.
Darn...Just as i thought -_- When i offended someone yesterday by being Honest.Oh,yes,the LIAR Game J-drama attest to this too.Perhaps i should start lying more...Well,i will review LIAR GAME Jdrama after my exams tommorrow
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