Saikyou Pare Parade!!

My favourite Suzumiya album now!I will do a review of it soon,lazy to do it now,haha.
Last week at my workplace,my head hit the corner of a metal shelf(Sucks to be tall...)And one of the chef had to scare me saying 1 of her relatives got an injury due to a small bump and untreated the bump swell until he went hospital and he almost died -_-
Oh,its definitely me that after 23 years only have i learnt of "Online Sprees" thanks to my cousin Winnie.Apparently its addictive and i bought quite a lot of stuff,im gunna buy more soon too!They have all the coolest Jap gadgets and handfone straps.
My E-Biz is gunna start soon provided i settle my orders with the person 1st,its taking a long time communicating through emails due to the miscommunications ...
And i had lunch with 7 girls today and im the only guy......
This is the happy month,my events are all coming up,Kushimbo this friday,cosplay event at expo next saturday,anime n music concert week after and christmas party week after!!!
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