The Hugeass Wishlist!

This new Nike Mettle Blade Watch is awesome,it will be my reward for completeing the next 100-120 surveys!I never liked wearing watches but i will make this an exception cos its damn cool,latest from Nike,you guys should grab 1 too! Oh much stuff to buy,i need a 4 Gig Memory Stick for my Psp too , Arcade controller,CK Crave Perfume,an extrenal Harddisk+Cover and of course,my 2 years saving plan for a new Computer $2000 after i graduate 2 years later.
Yea,i studied overnight yesterday til 5 am.I find i can absorb so much more during midnights and i complted 1 n 1/2 parts of my IBM Assignments!
Check this game music concert in Singapore this December 23rd!!!!I will be going with Liling!~!~!
Currently playing Tales of Abyss on Ps2 and talesweaver on PC and Dungeon Siege and Brain Age on PSP although theres hardly time to play anyway.
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