My GADGETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My special gadgets imported from Japan!!!!From Left to Right- Takara Chroro Q remote controlled car,its darn small and cool and FAST!!!!In the middle,Lumimesse LED BOard which is darn cool and im gunna use it as a necklace.It is self programmable with English words and Jap characters and theres choices of animated scrolls like dog chasing ball etc etc.
Right is the Baketan ghost radar,it will change colour if there are ghosts in the area and you can press it to scan for ghosts!It works 24/7 too! And it has been tested and works at Jap shrines,they detected ghosts and the light flashed red and sirened!I would scream if it sirened in my room -_- And American newspaper was saying how accurate this device was!

This special gadget is my birthday present from jimmy,its supposed to fan me but i cant feel anything at all -_- oh and it works by plugging into USB too!!!
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