Alan,Simon,Sammy and me went Cineleisure today and we watched Forbidden Siren.The movie was great cept for the shortage of scare scenes.The movie was based on a PS 2 game and i wasd quite influenced by the movie so i might go play the game a little.Now im just waiting for Fatal frame movie to the big screens!
This months NewType Japan and Animage Magazine!!!!!!!!!Im superly satisfied with the 2 mags this month...look at the scans below.It made me wanna shred tears of happiness when i saw the Haruhi stickers and the hugeass poster of suzumiya haruhi in these 2 magazines.

the huge poster thats actually 8 times the size of the magazine!Lets hope shops can laminate posters this big,which i doubt so and i am seriously thinking of buying another magazine just to keep a poster and put 1 up in my room.
The Haruhi stickers in Newtype and they rocks!
The other side of the haruhi stickers.
1 small part of the huge Haruhi poster!
1 small part of the huge Haruhi poster!
Reverse side of the Haruhi poster
This months NewType Japan and Animage Magazine!!!!!!!!!Im superly satisfied with the 2 mags this month...look at the scans below.It made me wanna shred tears of happiness when i saw the Haruhi stickers and the hugeass poster of suzumiya haruhi in these 2 magazines.

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