My Room-Part 1

My computer area...messy but i wouldnt bother to clear up cos i have no time......and yea my brother and sister contribute to 60% of the mess.To the left of the computer is a Bleach calendar Vincent bought for me from Thailand and in front of it is an orange cat handfone holder with my handfone.
Top left-Full Metal Alchemist Poster Below it Azumanga Daioh poster from Rogue magazine and to its right Brave Saga 2 Huge poster bought from HMV(I never even heard of the game before,bought it cos its cool!) Right of it Pita Ten Clear poster-My favourite! The top most picture on my brown cabinet is a Gundam Seed Destiny Bromide with Stellar and Shinn,my most favourite 2 characters fromt he series.
Reason why the left has a Blue and Pan Wei Bo poster cos that sides my brothers slot for posters in my room,prolly the only slot LOL. To the right of the Pan Wei Bo poster is a AIR TV Metallic Potrait which is darn nice.Below it School Rumble Pencilboard and below it Spiral Potrait.Right of Spiral Potrait is Pita Ten Potrait.Top right - Chobits Poster,below it Gundam Seed Destiny Kira and Lacus and below it, Gundam Seed Destiny Poster with Kira,lacus,Cagali and Asran.
The reason why there are 3 slots of empty spaces for more posters cos the wind blew my posters down, and all those posters that were blown down are old anime posters-Samurai X,hikaru no go and Naruto so i never put them back up.And yes,of course im gunna fill up the slots with newer anime posters,once i get my hands on them.

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