Adsell's Garage ~ Talesweaver Style

DISCLAIMER!!! Any characters,storylines and/or organisations as depicted in my blog are purely work of fiction ..... or so it seems. Any similarity to persons living or dead(or going to die soon(curses and hope)) is purely coincidental.The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessary reflect those of a given organisation.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

After all the fun.............

Xiu Yun,GengQin,Siong Chie,CheeTong,Caleb, Eugenia and me went Sentosa.Frisbee,volleyball and swimming.I will upload the photos when i get them from Siong Chie. After that we went Zach's Birthday party.It was darn fun.His apartment is insanely breezy and the panoramic view rocks!The catered food was from megabites and it rocks,especially the honey baked chicken =P~~~ There was fondue with fruits and marshmallow too =P~~~ or of course the birthday cake......what a sinful night.Loads of stuff happened and most of our OG went for the Party.As usual after cutting cake, we have games with liquer forfeit........Yet again! LOL never ends.

Frm Left to right-XiuYun,Jacinta,me,YeeWah,Julian.
Elaine,me and Cheryl.
GengQin,me,PeiLing,Joe and CheeTong.
A Jap mint oil blotter i bought-no relation to Zach's Bdae Party though LOL.

Me and Joe.