Adsell's Garage ~ Talesweaver Style

DISCLAIMER!!! Any characters,storylines and/or organisations as depicted in my blog are purely work of fiction ..... or so it seems. Any similarity to persons living or dead(or going to die soon(curses and hope)) is purely coincidental.The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessary reflect those of a given organisation.

Monday, October 17, 2005

130 Hrs!!!

I clocked 130 Hrs in Makai Kingdom Ps2 game and killed Yoshitsuna,strongest boss with 360k Def!!! My 2nd longest game since Disgaea (Also from Nippon Ichi) with 250 hrs. Finally i can start playing other games... Radiata stories maybe?

Wallaby in 2 more days ,the 1 week holiday seems like 2 days....When i come back,im expecting Great PS2 games - Magna Carta,Shining Force Neo, Fatal Frame 3, Dragon Quest VIII and Tales of Legendia... so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ill probably be gaming without sleep 2 weeks str8 when i come back from Wallaby!

Cluster Edge anime rocks big time,new concept and good animation makes it a must watch!

Mc Serginho - The book is on the table is a great techno track!