Adsell's Garage ~ Talesweaver Style

DISCLAIMER!!! Any characters,storylines and/or organisations as depicted in my blog are purely work of fiction ..... or so it seems. Any similarity to persons living or dead(or going to die soon(curses and hope)) is purely coincidental.The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessary reflect those of a given organisation.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Anger Maximum

81 spywares in computer- Results from my dumb sister and brother ...i feel freaking pissed...why do they have to add to my problems...

Freaking Big Ass Mouth Dude-You know who you are and you deserve to burn in hell for bad mouthing others.

To the guy who gave me a "Present" and complained that i didnt use it much- Dude,get a Life! Who was the 1 standing there watching with arms folded and not doing any work?

People who believe in rumours are equally bad/sinful as the person spreading it.

Quoted from Louis "Blind Obedience is a Social Disease!! " - 1 word SINGAPOREANS

Quoted from Louis "Cure the Hatred Instead of Pleasing the Greed" -This doesnt need any more more explanation,does it?You can feel guilty or better still pretend that it isnt you or wasnt your fault.

Quoted from Louis "Conformity Retards Creativity" - A certain Organisation, no?

Quoted off another Blog "Singapore government's continual oppression of freedom of speech turns people off" - Self explanatory

Quoted off a Petition "No matter how small is d size of sin geographically, but aren't we supposed to be a global city that believes in racial harmony, allows diff values, cultures n diff school of thoughts to co-exist in our open economy? Or is this jus an ideal? -This is perfect!

Quoted off a Petition "Covering up will indicates Guilt" - Another perfect truth

Quoted off a Petition "to create a DEMOCRATIC society... that is part of our national pledge. Where is our democracy? Do we need to apply a license to speak? " - Copied and pasted

Im burningly angry now...............

Other than all these crap happening,i wanna thank the project team - Vincent, Shek, Leon, The Spec that helped me(And the rest) and Warrant Desker for making my evaluation a Very happy 1.I never felt so happy and warm outfield before. And also to Da Zheng, Kelvin and Ah Chao who went through the entire week with me . They make me believe there are still very nice people in the world and that people can work nicely and properly with 1 another without complaining 24/7 about people not doing as much work as you or not suffering as much as you.