Sunday Night
As contrary to most people that think that its better for guys to be tall, i dont find it so after experiencing it(or rather,its passive).Then,i wished to be shorter so i dont have to slouch so much that my shoulder and back hurt so much when using the computer, nor need to be afraid of hitting the top of the bus when departing and of course, the list goes on.Well,lets keep the complaining at that and i move on to what happened today.
Apparently,i wasnt fated to sing JapKtv?This is like the 2nd time something screwed up?1st time was with SK and she said she had no mood for KTv that day.I was really dissapointed as i went all the way to Orchard(Town) for the purpose of KTV but ended up we just shopped around.
Today,a friend played us out,leaving only me and Liling.We went to the JapKtv place to check out the price even though we werent going to.
Loves: Jap Pudding(To die for),
Liang Court Tampopo Ramen(Best in SG,Authenthic ramen unlike some A _ _ _ _ _ which is like ahem....,
Popcorns FTW,
Strawberries make people happy by releasing endorphins,a chemical that makes people happy(If i remember)
Consommé flavored chips are delicious and rare
Beard Papa cream puffs makes me drool =P~
I had this real life nightmare which is the realest ive ever experienced,ask me if you want to know.
Mooncake Festival is another 1 of those festivals promoting Capitalism....
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