Today in school

This a picture of cosplayers of Kyon(Left) and Suzumiya Haruhi(Right) from the popular anime thats hot both in Japan and in America-Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu and currently my best anime.
There wasnt Econs today cos it ended and i get to sleep til late morning.Stats was in the afternoon and the lecturer is Raymond.Sitting in my row from left to right,we got Bao An(Security guard and Serene's fling),Foong Yi(The on-off contact lens woman),Mao Fen(Miss Mao that gets carried by the wind =P),me in spectacles(1st time out of army),Valerie(Cold woman,Big eyes,Ahem Ahem...crasher),WenQi(She wore a texted top today),Bimbo Serene(Please dont jump inside the lift!!!!!!!!!!) and finally, Syiffa(K-Drama Junky),our leader.
I survived today with cornflakes as breakfast,class snack as lunch(An egg sandwich and horrendous Vegetable Pie XP Bleah) and night time after lessons i studied all the way up to 8:10 pm in the students lounge,my brain totally drained @_@
IBM Prelims as well as the Bazaar's first day happens at the same day next week.....
Tommorow is a killer.....With Sociology in the morning and IBM which tends to last up til 5:10 pm+
Sigh,i really wished that school would be much more fun like in the past...during Secondary school,when you do not have to worry about exams and schoolwork and classes are so much more fun and interactive...unlike those boring pure lectures for me now.....And when i go out with my friends for movies and shopping after school and spend long long hours on the phone with girls......
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