Adsell's Garage ~ Talesweaver Style

DISCLAIMER!!! Any characters,storylines and/or organisations as depicted in my blog are purely work of fiction ..... or so it seems. Any similarity to persons living or dead(or going to die soon(curses and hope)) is purely coincidental.The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessary reflect those of a given organisation.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Singnet Sarks

Do not ever in any situation sign up for singnet... It sucks big time. The connection is unstable and slow.It's overseas server is very very slow,making you lag in overseas or international game big big time.Starhubs is much faster as ive tried both of them before. The only redeeming point bout Singnet is that they have good freebies like notebook and PSP. But whats the point of suffering with poor connection if you get satisfied with their free gifts only?Their customer service sucks big time.Sian ... now my Singnet contract wont end til October this year....this sucks....A word of advice-Never ever sign up for Singnet Broadband!